Costa Maya, Xcalak and Mahahual (Majahual) Visitors pages - Chicanná |

Kohunlich is relatively close to Chetumal. It has been partly excavated. The ruins lie in the dense forest and have been cleared only where the buildings are thus creating a magnificent park. The ruins date from the late pre classic period 100-200 AD, and early classic period 250-600 AD.Kohunlich Palace Kohunlich Mask Kohunlich Palace Structure III
The arrangement of the structures is done according the strict rules of the orthogonal system. The acropolis, pyramids terraces, squares and elevations are strictly arranged according to this. The pyramids have in contradiction to many other sites large cella's (place for sacrificing) that extend over the full pyramids.

You can find the following buildings:

1. Northern Group
2. Acropolis
3. Palace
4. Square of the stars
5. Merwin square
6. Ball court
7. Temple of the Mask
8. Structure III

Kohunlich is most famous for it's Temple of the Masks. The thick lips and prominent features are reminiscent of Olmec sculpture. The masks are a reminder to the masks in Cerros in Belize. There used to be eight masks however only two remain after theft. There is an extensive rain water channel system that runs into Kohunlich once-enormous reservoir.

Parking availableToilets availableShowers available

Location: 290 km from Xcalak, 110 km from Chetumal, 9 km south of the 186 highway.
Transportation: no public transportation available.
Open: Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM

Kohunlich area map

Photo tour Kohunlich